My Wanderin’ Days Are Over
Just kidding, I didn’t up at the Generator. Instead, I’m chillin’ at the Earl’s Court YHA/HI. It’s pretty nice and the 3 Australian girls sharing my room with me are lovely. And just as good as than the Australian girls is the Australian boy I met here my first afternoon.
Both undecided on what to do, we headed out for a bite to eat around in the neighborhood. That turned into drinks a long walk allover London and dinner followed by reading and watching Kill Bill at the hostel. Its great to have another person/friend to talk to over here. I was starting to feel a bit lost and lonely.
Yesterday I hit up the Victoria and Albert museum and spent a few hours exploring the entire place. I spent some time in the architecture section upstairs but it was just a bunch of models and general descriptions. And ps- the models were really boring looking. They’d all get poor grades in 11a.
More exciting than the architecture section was the fashion section where they had a feature on a french designer who’s stuff was most excellent. He draws on kitschy icons and things from his childhood (ie teddy bears, hello kitty and converse). My personal favorite was the jacket made of converse. Hallie, you need to own it.

Had drinks again with the Australian last night and then drinks with Bernadette. Unfortunately, we can’t seem to find a bar to go where there are people our own age. WTF mate?! We’re both going to do some searching on ye ol’ internet and maybe we’ll have better luck. At least I know there will be some hip kids where I’m going tonight and tomorrow night (b&s tonight and club night at the barfly in Camden tomorrow night (2 local bands, resident dj set and guest dj set by bloc party))
Anyway, I’m going to head over to the apple store in hopes of finding free internet access and a map to the venue where I’ll be seeing Belle & Sebastian tonight.
Things is miss:
-The sun
-Cafes with free internet access
-Friendly people (brits don’t know how to smile. At all. And they don’t talk on the subway. They just sit there frowning)
-All of you guys <3
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