Thursday, April 06, 2006

Following the herd down to Greece on Holiday

After getting myself semi stranded in the Athens International Airport; I’ve finally made it into my first destination for Semana Santa. The Athens Backpackers Hostel. I keep trying to speak Spanish to people- the people at the info booth (no help at all from those jerks), my cab driver in Paris (60 euros!!!), the stupid check in people in Madrid who almost made me miss my flight (well, it was good I spoke Spanish with them…) So far it’s been great and by it I mean the hostel. I walked in to find a half dozen drunken kids pretending to be reception. And because they slightly messed up our hostel reservation, I got a free shot at the hostel’s bar- Free Shot <3 Dan. When I went to retrieve said free shot, I ran into a fellow Cal kid currently studying in Grenada who was in my first Spanish class I took at Cal. We simultaneously exclaimed, “What are you doing here?!” salutations and then proceeded to discuss our experiences in Spain thus far. She’s got a few more than I as she’s been here since January. Free shot down the hatch and now I’m at the ol’ computer, as always. I might just crash here a second day instead of being a pikey and sleeping on Steph’s floor another night. It’s definitely the best hostel I’ve stayed at thus far- atmosphere wise. My hours spent in the airport frightened and alone seem like they were ages ago. Cheers to Greece and fun hostels! (They just played Boys and Girls- it’s my anthem for this trip!)


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