Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm Gonna Wait Right Here While Everything is Adding Up

With deadlines starting to near, I’m feeling the beginnings of separation anxiety with Madrid. I can’t believe I’ve been here so long. It seems like only yesterday I was proudly making it through my first week of living in Spain or just learning my way around the city. Now I’m worrying about packing all my life back into my suitcase and getting it all home. I’ve really moved into my little room here.





(all this and more must fit into my suitcase. i am awesome)

And with the end looming I can’t help but think about the end in a year. Coming to Spain was part of my quarter-life crisis (well, not originally, but it’s fit into the plan well and I’ve played the part of the identity/future crisis-stricken angsty 20-year-old fairly well, if I do say so myself). And now that it’s just about over, I’m thinking about going back to CAL and locking myself in Wurster again. Why did I think that signing up for 101 would be fun? Does it mean that I’ve decided to return to architecture and that I’m not giving up on it anymore? AH!
Soo many question marks!

And by all this rambling I mean that I want to go home but I don’t want to leave. Take it as you will. Catch as catch can. Lo que sea. Whatever. Me da igual. And the rest of those passive terms that mean absolutely nothing.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.


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