Monday, May 08, 2006


Q)Megan, when do you leave Spain?

A)Right now I'm trying to figure out were I'll be and when. Its a lot of fun as I have to coordinate with friends and family back in the States. As of now, I'll be in Madrid until May 27th when my sister comes to visit and we run off to Barcelona for a week where my roommate and company from Berkeley are meeting me for a few days and a music festival after which we'll return to Madrid for a few more days (somewhere around June 5th) and after being treated to home-cooked Italian food in Italy with my sister and her former flat-mate for a week, I have no idea where I will be or what I'll be doing until I meet my parents in Brussels on July 1st when they spoil me rotten because they haven't seen me in sooooo looong. And as we drive across France and Austria in a small car and my 13 year old brother (who has just entered puberty) and I start to argue constantly in the back seat, they'll want to get rid of me as soon as they can- which will be July 24th when they leave Europe and I'm left alone to wander more until I am completely broke and/or I have to return to Berkeley for the first day of class.

Q)Where will you go?

A)See above. Especially the part about being stuck in a car with the younger sibling. I'll be going to Crazy Town, that's where I'll be going.

Q)Are there better places??

A) Thats what I'm aiming to find out. If there aren't, I'll be coming back to Spain. Or maybe living on my friend's couch in London.

Q)Will I see you again??

A*)Where will you be and when?

Q)Will I cope??

A)Its a possibility. You might need to consult your doctor or pharmacist for support though.

Megan R. Costello

*it really wasn't an A(nswer) but another Q(uestion) but I thought that writing Q(uestion)** again would be confusing. I appologise for any misunderstandings.

**what it really was. Note the question mark at the end of the sentence. The question mark denotates that the sentence is meant to be read aloud with an inquisitive tone, were you to read it aloud.


At 10:42 AM, Blogger bringer of lulz said...

this post makes me laugh a lot and not just because i'm a little bit drunk because it's my birthday (technically, it's may 9th now, so it's NOT my birthday, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to keep claiming it's my birthday for a loooooong time).

if all else fails, you can come back to berkeley and help me make it through summer 100a...but i really don't think you should do that when you can be playing in europe for longer.

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when your parents drop you off, i will most likely be settled into here for a few weeks. i don't know how likely it is for us to rendezvous, but now you know. and you know what they say about knowing...

At 11:44 AM, Blogger megan_c said...

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At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q)uestion: How much time did megan spend in photoshop to make that clever cutout?

A)nswer: About a minute--no risk of a bad chin crop if you cut it wide enough to include the laptop in the background :c)

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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