The City

Ten months ago I chronicled my life weekly. There I was in another country discovering things and exploring the world around me. I never did the exploring in Berkeley or San Francisco. I’ve lived here for so long but I still know a city I only lived in for 5 months better. I spent the week missing Spain. Catching up with the Carlos III kids over our weekly meetings turned into rewalking every step we took in Spain.
And so now I’m trying to catch up for lost time. With the semester half way over and my time left as a student here nearing the 5-month mark, I’m starting to see this place the same way I saw Europe. This weekend was Germany weekend and Cindy, Chris, Sean and I found a way to celebrate Octoberfest.
It all started with a photo gallery field trip. Cindy, my new surrogate roommate, and I pedaled over to Chris’ galley for latte and a quick rest before biking onto Janet, our teachers house for breakfast. We zigzagged and pedaled down the streets, past houses and cottages with gardens of hydrangeas and picket fences. We were the first to her house where we were greeted with a “how cute” that we arrived together with bikes and bagels and smoked salmon. Janet’s house was beautiful and her husband and daughter were lovely. It was the picture of a perfect family and made the morning seem like something out of a movie.
It turned from a family values after school special to a Woody Allen march through galleries and museums. I pined over Dianne Arbus original prints, imagining how great they’d look in my imaginary apartment overlooking Central Park where I’d drink ages whisky and talk about literature.
Then, as we stumbled down he stairs of the gallery, weak from hunger, we made plans to recharge with some shopping. Levi’s, Macy’s, Cody’s, Body Shop. Goodbye money. I bought my own copy of Yes Man and decided to take the yoath again. Life’s been odd recently, and saying yes more will do something for that. My first yes, yes to a free make-over at Macy’s next weekend. Cindy and I were not sure whether we should be flattered or insulted. Either way, noon next Saturday some lady behind the Lnacome counter will be telling em what red looks best on my lips and trying to get me to buy that mascara which really brings out my eyes.
We picked up another member of the party in H&M. Sean leaving with the most awesome bling. The perfect accessory for viennerschnitzel and German beer in the Hayes Valley. I’m still digesting the pork. We all decided that being single lacks the fun of dates at nice restaurants. And so we al had the best first date 4 friends and acquaintances could ever have. Followed by more beer at Zeitgeist- for continued German fun. As we left, Ramstein came on the jukebox.
We walked out of German to south of the border for chips and salsa with Evan and Beth before calling it a night and catching the train home.
Homemade cookies, milk, and Sex and the City. What more could a girl want?
Silly Rabbit trix are for kids. Time and Space hold still for no one. If you blink something has changed. Do not look to the past with regret but remember the past with fond memories. Look to the future with joy in that you have some control of what you want it to be. If you look back while walking on a beach you will only see the foot prints that you left behind. Know that you have touched someone’s life and brought joy to them in knowing you. I do not regret not finding the Wishing Fountain with you but rejoiced in the search for it with you.
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