greetings fellow humans
To make up for sitting in planes and airports all day yesterday I walked all over London. I made it through 3 boroughs and crossed the Thames 4 times. I started my walking journey at 9:15 in Gloucester (pronounced gloss-ster like friendster. Its my opinion that they’d have much more British traffic if they spelled it friendcester) and completed it in Covent Garden. I was asked for directions by 3 people in my walk and sadly couldn’t help anyone.
Tomorrow I’m relocating to a new hostel. While I have my own room here and free breakfast I have to pay for wireless (£4 an hour or 7p a minute). Its also rather quite quiet (read: boring) here and the bathroom looks like this:

I refuse to use airplane bathrooms on planes- why should I have to use them on land? The only people I’ve spoken with here is a bunch of old ladies from Arizona on their way to visit 2 of the International Scout Centers (one being outside of London where I stayed in high school and the other in India). I first knew they were Americans byu their terrible scout uniforms. Yes, I did say uniforms.
I’ll most likely be at the Generator for the rest of the trip as it comes so highly recommended (thanks Carrie and Bernadette).
Oh yes- I had my first LEGAL drink tonight with Bernadette at a pub in Covent Garden. (it was a Guinness-btw). After our lunch at the pub we bought me a phone (07769846175) so I won’t have to mess with pay phones and public phones anymore. Its sad, I’ve had only been without a phone for two days and I was feeling so helpless. Then we hit up soho and found Berwick (pronounced bear-ik) Road, which features a farmer’s market and a bunch of great record stores. I found four 7” singles I have to own and will be purchasing at the end of my stay in London. On our way to the apple store (see description below) to get me an adapter for my power cord we found ourselves surrounded by sex shops and jaywalked a lot (it’s a national pastime here). After a bit of browsing through the top shop and a bite to eat at Café Nero we parted ways and I took the underground home because I was tired of walking.
Long story shot- I’m here and I’m alive.
This message is being sent to you at the apple store in London- the first I’ve seen without a giant metal façade. Instead, they have a flag with the apple emblem and a giant fluorescent apple in each window. Apparently, cafes in London don’t believe in free wireless access. They do believe in tv specials called “building the perfect penis” and “extraordinary breastfeeding” and showing everything in said specials.