Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Stop Blogging, Sammy

The fact that I am writing this now means I survived Colorado and skiing. Currently I’m at Sky Harbor, waiting to say goodbye and go home.

The finale to my final winter break was amazing. I should have learned to ski years ago and should have gone on trips like this earlier. Gathering up a group of friends to share a cabin for a week. Enjoying the fact that we’re not quite adults yet. Not old enough to be sitting in a lodge drinking hot buttered rum in a smoking jacket after a day on the slopes, but not too old to play risk while eating horrible delivery pizza and drinking cheap beer. Every morning the wonderful Sammy woke us up with his ukulele and a song about how we needed to get up and get ready for skiing. Groggily we suited up for the –5 degree weather, ate a couple bites of scrambled eggs hastily prepared by Mike, and crammed into the car. I went to ski school in Keystone, tried to stay out of the way of the other skiers in Brekenridge while trying to keep up with my friends and not fall, and was dragged down a couple black diamond runs in Vail. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk normally for a while- but I will have to go skiing again very soon. I’m told I did very well for a first time skier. After skiing there was some trespassing, snow board ramps being constructed, wounds being super-glued shut, impromptu kung fu fights in the garage, minor snow induced car accidents, and hot tub siphoning and hot water boiling amongst other crazy antics.

The make-up of the cabin changed every night as people came and went. Friends were added, jerks subtracted, siblings popped up, and girlfriends breezed through. I say girlfriends as the staples of the cabin were 5 guys- Sammy, Mike, Damir, Dean, and Adam. The first 4 best friends growing up in Chicago and Adam the university add on and newest addition to Chicago. Leah (gf of Adam), Diega (Sammy’s dog) and I were the only females who made it to the end and had to endure solitude on Sunday while football was on. I’m not really sure how I fit into the equation and I shrugged when asked that question. “Do you go to RISD?” no “Were you in Denmark” no “Are you guys dating?” no

“Then how do you know each other?”

In any case...

I enjoyed some wonderful company, had a great trip and got to cross off something from my things to do in 2007 list- learn to ski. Now to get back to Berkeley and remember what it’s like to be a student again. I should stop blogging and get some food before my flight. Unfortunately, there won’t be a busted bronco without a back window waiting for me. On the other hand, it won’t be below zero.


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