where are the words

Day one into foinals week and I'm as lazy as ever. I only have one final to work on- a take home final- a creative writing take home final- a 6 page long creative writing take home final. Its due in a week.
Until then I plan on being creative in other ways. I have a couple photo projects I'd like to work on now that my photo class is over and my final project for it complete. The first projet takes the two things I'm least apt to take part in and put them together- portraiture and taking pictures in stores. I had to dabble in it a bit with the final project (comparing retail spaces in high end retail stores and low-income shopping areas. Comparing gucci to the goodwill) and learned to be sneaky when security guards are watching you and your giant camera look the the expensive clothing. So with the new project I want to photograph people trying on the expensive clothing. I plan on being kicked out of a few stores, but I think the experience will be good.
Realisticly speaking, the project will probably be put on the back burner until I'm super busy and have a million required things to do. Or just until I cash my checks from the last month and have some money to burn a hole in my bank account and draw me across the bay. So really, it will be like the rest of the semester. Leisurely making trips to the cityto go shopping/window shopping, take pictures, and read/sketch on the BART.
On the side, I've been working through my movie list of "movies I should have seen but haven't yet" pretty efficiently. I've watched 9 of the original list of 13. Outside of that, I've watch 3 others I should have had on the list and addded 3 more. I'm doing pretty well and looking forward to winter break for more film watching.
I'm trying to keep myself distracted from somethings. I was thinking about biking around Oakland again or going to the gym, but the weather isn;t quite right for biking and my #1 gym buddy moved to LA and my replacement one has a sprained ankle (from enjoying too many distractions at once).
Which brings me to this...
...I finally have piece of writing to work on for a magazine and a deadline!
Great! Just what I’ve been looking for!
Not so much.
I’ll be working on a restaurant/date guide for Valentine’s Day in the Bay Area. Which sounds good until you consider the fact that I’ve never been on a real date date. Sure I know great places to eat drink and have fun, but date has never entered the vocabulary of the evening’s events. Furthermore- its not even my own piece. I’m just writing a couple 3-step dates in a larger whole of a date piece. 50 words per segment of the date plus an intro.
While I should be happy for even that much, I can’t help but be a greedy word monster and want the whole article. I had a great intro to the piece worked out- sarcastic yet funny while still being endearing and gently mocking people who actually go on dates for Valentine’s Day.
In any case, it’s an assignment and my 50 words per dating-venue will be the best 50 words ever written. There is the hope of getting better pieces if I stick with the magazine and do the bit parts. For now, I’ll just have to leave some of the Megan behind and enjoy the fact that people will be enjoying my expertly constructed dates.
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