Fast Trains and McFlurries

Life in Madrid continues as usual. The high school level drama keeps rearing its ugly head. Its like an episode of degrassi here sometimes. I was lucky enough to miss most of the drama going down this past weekend on my holiday to Sevilla, which was just as amazing as I had remembered it. We ate McDonnalds ice cream everyday down by the river because it was so warm in Sevilla and it the ice cream was so delicious and cheap.
The Excursion
After only sleeping one hour Thursday night/Friday morning (I went to a indie/brit-pop dance club and stayed up dancing and listening to music until 6:30am. So much fun. We’re going back this weekend for the yeah yeah yeah’s cd release party.) I met Adriana at the train station at 8:45. I literally spent less than half an hour packing my things and only forgot one thing I needed- my camera charger. We boarded the Alteria train for Sevilla in a part of the station that was more like an airport than a train station. It worked as the train ride was more like a flight. They even handed out headphones to watch a movie. It was rather interesting watching Deborah Messing with a Spanish voice dubbed over.
Anyway, when we finally got into Sevilla we had no plans at all. All we had was our trusty lonely planet to guide us. WE decided to just chance it and take the first bus that would drop us off in the center of the city. It was happenstance that it dropped us off in front of one of the hostels listed in the lp. The hostel, Hostel Pino, was absolutely adorable. We were showed to a very spacious and clean double room on the roof of the building with a view of the cathedral. The only setback was the lack of hot running water on our floor. I took a short siesta and then we hit the town. It was so much fun to find things that I vaguely remembered. I’m sure Adriana got sick of me saying, “I ate lunch here” or “I have a picture of this!!!” But that probably wasn’t half as annoying as the random spouts of architectural commentary “more flying buttresses and barrel vaults. Yes!!!” We called it an early night after and fell asleep to Spanish tv.

Woke up early and refreshed and ready to feast on our bananas, peanut butter and rice cakes (our food staples in Sevilla). After café con leche at a small café across the street from the hostel we did some window shopping (and actuall shopping… shhh) and then got lost in the Alcazar and climbed to the top of the minaret at the cathedral. Both sites were absolutely beautiful and I used up all the battery power my camera had left capturing them. More wandering commenced after a lunch of pb and banana sandwiches and McDonalds ice cream. And so we wouldn’t spend too much money eating tapas for dinner, we ate more rice cakes and bananas and drank cheap corte ingles champagne with some guys from Denmark staying at our hostel.

(hedge maze at the alcazar. i' ve decided that i'm going to write a book on called "hedge mazes of western europe")
As if we hadn’t had a perfect day already, we met up with Camille for tapas. It was great to hear that she’s feeling some of the same things we are here in Madrid and to see a familiar face. The tapas were great, as was the sangria. Then we did something I hadn’t in Sevilla before. We crossed the river(!) and met up with Camille’s friend Ken and his cousin and her Spanish boyfriend. A few more people came over and we all had a great time preparing to go out dancing. They took us to a club called Buddha, which featured 3 floors of dancing and no cover charge. It was so much fun but I had to call it a night at 4am. I was just too tired to go on any longer. It looked like the guys at our hostel had a similar night, as they hadn’t bothered turning off the light in their room or closing the door.
Slept in more than we thought due to the time change. Ate our usual breakfast and chatted with our hostel neighbors some more before checking out and heading to the train station. I was reluctant to say goodbye to Sevilla but was also happy to be returning to Madrid… OR SO I THOUGHT
Al trains to Madrid were sold out. We schlepped our things to the bus station to get a bus ride which would take twice as long but would still get us to Madrid by morning. SOLD OUT! So it was back to the hostel to book another night and then to the train station to book a ticket to Madrid for Monday morning. SOLD OUT! We ended up getting the Ave (Sevilla to Madrid in 2 hours) back to Madrid and making it to one of our 3 classes.
We had a good time being stranded in Madrid after everything was taken care of. WE had dinner with Alan, Rasmus, and Chris (the guys from Denmark) and their friend Kristine (also from Denmark but studying in Sevilla). Adriana slept under the starts and got rained one while I slept as much of a good night’s sleep as I could and was cozy and warm.
Came back to Madrid and went directly to Getafe for class. There I encountered everything as I had left it. It was good to be home, even if home smelled bad and was cold and gray.