Tuesday, February 27, 2007

this day in history

every day i have a new report of what i was doing exactly a year before then. on valentine's day i proudly told people how Adriana, Emi and i had the most tasty donuts at dunkin donuts in the center of Madrid. it was so American, so wrong. it was the only way to (un)celebrate the day.

now it is somewhere between ''i need to sleep now'' o-clock and ''holy shit i need to wake up for school'' am and there is still more studio work to be done. and while i sit here tapping away at my mouse and keyboard- pounding a design into existence, i can't help but let my mind wander into the farthest corners away from architecture. and i end up here, where i was a year ago. still running away from a career in architecture and towards something in the music industry. meanwhile, i need to finish polishing up my resume/cv to start sending out to architecture firms and hand proudly over to representatives at the career fair on Wednesday. although i'd rather be doing anything (preferably nothing to do with rhino or autocad because right now they are driving me insane) in New York, i may be applying to this firm in Madrid off Jeannette's list of good firms to work for. it would be great to look back at this day in history from my beautiful Madrid with my beautiful friends in Madrid.

so there will be no more fussing with word or editing photos until after Saturday with final review over for the first of the last 2 projects of my undergraduate career and my soon-to-be complete resumes all passed out. and then i can peel myself away from my laptop.