Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
(but Because I’m Free, Nothing’s Worrying Me)
Eurorail pass stamped for another day and I’m onto Munich where I will spend even less time than I did in Rome. Getting to Munich couldn’t be more of a hassle. This morning, when checking direction to my hostel for the night, I discovered that the hostel reservation I made yesterday for Munich never made it to my inbox even though it want through. So with Josh nervously itching to get to the train station, I had to rush and make another. This wouldn’t have been a problem, but the hostel had disappeared from the site without a trace. Curious indeed. Later, at the train station I found my way to my platform after going up and down a particular set of escalators for the 6th time in less than 24 hours. There I saw tons of people waiting for the train, making me wonder if the decision to not reserve a seat was a poor one. Regardless, I ran to the 2nd class section of the platform as the carriage doors were closing and the last of the masses squished their way into seats. Not a problem other than the fact that all the seats had been reserved. So now I’m bouncing from seat to seat as people take and leave their seats along the way to Munich. Frustrating times like this just make me want to go home where things are easier. At the same time, it’s not something that worries me more than finishing a studio project or registering for classes on Telebears (what a nightmare). SO onto Munich and all other adventures to come in the next 2 weeks!
But my solo traveling days won’t last too long as the Yes Team has just informed me that they’ll be in Interlaken in a day. And although I was there exactly a week ago, it lies directly on my route back to Spain and I didn’t have the chance to do everything there I had wanted to. Plus, I have 15 Swiss franks from my parents to spend, which is more money I won’t have to be draining from my bank account.